
It’s a Balancing Act

With soaring temps outside, it may not feel like it, but the dog days of summer are winding down and Back-to-School is right around the corner. For some, the routine of school may be perfect, but for a working parent, sometimes the additional “to-do” list can seem overwhelming.  Homework, projects, sports, music, friends, dances, drop […]

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Break the Streak

June is National Safety Month, a month devoted to reducing the leading causes of injury or death, be it at home, or on the road. At Murphy Legal, one area of the law we focus on is Highway Safety. Every year, more than 3,000 fatalities result from motor vehicle accidents in Texas. Many of these

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Non-Subscriber vs. Workers Compensation: Why My Company Should Make the Switch?

Non-Subscriber Q&Awith Jason Kipness 1. What does it mean to be a non-subscriber in Texas? In Texas, employers are legally permitted to opt out of workers compensation. These employers are called “non-subscribers” because these businesses are non-subscribing to the Texas Workers Compensation Act. 2. How does becoming a non-subscriber benefit my business? Becoming a non-subscriber

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Hidden Figures: Five Tools from Exposing the Cost of Plaintiff’s medical Specials

Every day another news story is run regarding the increasing cost of health care in the United States. Plaintiffs routinely seek to pass these ever-increasing medical expenses on to Defendants. Despite these efforts, Texas law is clear that the only medical expenses that a Plaintiff can pass on are those that are actually paid or

Hidden Figures: Five Tools from Exposing the Cost of Plaintiff’s medical Specials Read More »

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