Areas Of Practice
Areas of Practice
Murphy Legal handles claims throughout the State of Texas for wrongful death, catastrophic collisions, personal injury, premise liability, and business disputes, and advises clients on regulatory compliance and safety matters. Click on the images below to learn more about our areas of practice. For additional information about Murphy Legal, contact us today!

Transportation Defense
Murphy Legal handles transportation defense claims throughout the State of Texas for wrongful death, catastrophic collisions, personal injury, premise liability, and business disputes, and advises clients on regulatory compliance and safety matters. Click on the images below to learn more about our areas of practice related to transportation defense.

Premises Liability
Each and every business that owns or occupies property has exposure to premises liability claims. Serious accidents may be the result of failure to adhere to dock safety requirements or third-party negligence. Although claims can arise from a multitude of scenarios, Murphy Legal is committed to ensuring our defense dictates the outcome of a case.

Contracts are created as a form of protection. We all enter into contracts with the hope that both parties will fulfill the terms listed on the document, each having an obligation to one another. Unfortunately, contracts are breached or broken completely on a fairly regular basis. Parties who have broken contracts claim many reasons, from disagreement over intent or language of the contract, circumstances that fell outside of the explicit contract itself, or even terms that were ignored outright, hoping enforcement of the contract wouldn’t occur.

Construction Litigation
The construction industry is one of the ripest industries for legal matters. Claims are routinely threatened, if not pursued in full, over delays of projected timelines, cost overruns, issues of payment, design defects, and many other perceived or actual matters. In construction, having precise expertise is not just beneficial, it is crucial to successful litigation.

Non-Subscriber Defense
There are many reasons a business may not carry workers’ compensation insurance. Maybe they felt they were too small, maybe they were in the process of researching options, or maybe they opted out in disagreement with regulation. Whatever the motivation for not carrying this protection, if a legal matter arises, there are still options a business may have.

Insurance Defense
If you are currently seeking to defend your company or an insured against insurance-related recovery, or simply desire to be proactive in seeking advice from a proficient and experienced team, Murphy Legal is prepared to be an asset to your business. Please contact us today to discuss how we can meet your insurance-defense needs.