It’s a Balancing Act

With soaring temps outside, it may not feel like it, but the dog days of summer are winding down and Back-to-School is right around the corner. For some, the routine of school may be perfect, but for a working parent, sometimes the additional “to-do” list can seem overwhelming.  Homework, projects, sports, music, friends, dances, drop off and pick up – even creating this list is exhausting – and I forgot to add breakfast and dinner for the family!

If you are lucky enough to work somewhere that takes “Work-Life Balance” seriously and as part of the culture (like Murphy Legal) this season can be a little smoother. But regardless of where you work, or even if you don’t work, here are a few suggestions to make the Back-to-School rush just a little easier for everyone, including your kids!

  • Talk to your boss and co-workers to let them know what obligations you might have, like leaving early on Thursdays for a volleyball game (ask me how I know!!).
  • Get organized. Do you have a day planner, Google calendar, or a whiteboard on the fridge? Whatever works best for you and your family, use it to manage some of the day-to-day chaos.
  • Establish a schedule. Work with your family to establish homework/quiet time (screen-free unless school related), dinner time, chores, bedtime…. all the things you need to accomplish between the end of the workday and the end of the evening.

These are just a few of the things you can use to help manage life outside of work. Everyone is different, and every situation is different, of course. But there are only so many hours in the day for all of us! In order to have some balance, work on one side and home/family on the other, you have to stay ahead of the chaos. We’ve all heard the phrase work smarter, not harder, and this is especially relevant when you are balancing work and home.

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